After retirement, the EPFO sends a letter to each retired employee carrying details of PPO, provident fund and pension disbursement.
Employee pension scheme (EPS) pensioners are provided with a unique number or code which helps them to receive a pension after retirement. Such a number is referred to as the Pension Payment Order (PPO) and is allocated by the EPFO to any employee retiring from any organisation.
After retirement, The Employees ' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) sends a letter to each retired employee that contains details of PPO, provident fund and pension disbursement. If you have forgotten your PPO number or want to find PPO at any point in time, you can easily get it from your bank account number or by using your Member ID.
If you forgot your PPO no, you can use the steps below to obtain PPO no.
You can enter your account number associated with the pension here.
You will get to know the PPO No, Member I d and the Pension type upon submission.
Alternatively, you can directly access this link–(https:/ It is a separate Pension portal where you can get to know the PPO Detail. Here, you can use four services, such as Jeevan Pramaan Enquiry, Know Your PPO No., PPO Enquiry / Payment Enquiry, Know Your Pension Status As a Pensioner, one should also ensure that the Pension Payment Order (PPO) number has been entered in the Passbook.
Sometimes banks do not update the PPO in the pensioner's or family pensioner's passbook which can result in unnecessary delays.
When a pension account is transferred from one bank or branch to another bank or branch, failure to update the PPO number in the passbook may also lead to delays.
There could also be a delay in receiving pension at the time when one is required to apply for a duplicate Pension Payment Order (PPO) if the original PPO is missing. In the absence of ready availability of PPO number, a delay could also arise in the case of family pension.
Knowing the PPO number helps raise any grievance with EPFO at the time. For Speedy grievance redress one must use the UAN or PPO Number or Establishment Number. PPO number is also necessary for online knowledge of the pension status. Now, using a bank account to get a PPO number makes it easier and simpler for pensioners to avoid delays in receiving pension.